Are you tired of being stuck in traffic?
It seems that no matter what time of day we leave the house, traffic congestion is inevitable. Trying to get to south Nashville by Wedgewood, to One Hundred Oaks or to Cool Springs is an absolute nightmare. So like many of you I sit in my car fuming that what used to be a twenty-minute drive is now forty-five minutes on a light day.
My heart goes out to those who are trying to get too and from work, get to their children’s sporting events, or pick children up from school on time. What are we to do? How do we mitigate the daily grind of being stuck in traffic on Interstate 65 South? It is clear, transportation options must be expanded across Middle Tennessee. Traffic congestion is not just a Nashville problem; it’s a regional problem. Mayors from surrounding counties are working together on a variety of transportation projects to improve traveler information and traffic management.
After a lot of planning, the Greater Nashville Regional Council (GNRC), WeGo Public Transit, and TDOT have kicked-off the South Corridor Study to help turn recent transportation plans into shovel ready projects. The study is required to go after federal discretionary funds for implantation and construction of transit projects.
Go to www.SouthCorridor.org for more details and to make your voices and ideas heard by getting involved today!
Rev. Dr. Judy D. Cummings is the Senior Pastor at New Covenant Christian Church in Nashville.