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Current Plan

A Major Update to Middle Tennessee's Unified Transportation Plan is Underway

On February 17, 2021, mayors and transportation officials from across Middle Tennessee adopted an update to the region's transportation plan. The RTP allocates more than $10.5 billion in anticipated federal grants and matching funds to improve transportation throughout a seven-county planning area that includes Nashville and the surrounding counties of Maury, Robertson, Sumner, Rutherford, Williamson, and Wilson.


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Map of Projects

Review the location of more than 200 proposed improvements scheduled for implementation  between 2021 and 2045


Executive Summary

Highlights from the 2021 Plan

Ch 1


Describes the purpose of the plan, federal requirements, and the role of the GNRC in convening local, state, and federal officials to develop the plan.

Ch 2

Regional Collaboration

Describes how the region is organized to carry out a regional transportation planning process and the role of the public in shaping transportation priorities.

Ch 3

Issues, Trends, and Forecasts

Identifies keys issues and concerns that the Plan sets out to address and showcases trends related to regional growth and transportation performance.

Ch 4

Policy Guidance

Describes the decision-making authority of the region’s Transportation Policy Board and the policy framework to guide its decisions. 

Ch 5

Needs and Priorities

Provides an overview of transportation needs and the process to evaluate and prioritize projects for the anticipated funding.

Ch 6

Implementation and Monitoring

An overview of the project development process and methods to monitor the impacts and performance of scheduled investments.


Technical Appendices

A list of proposed improvements and the supporting documentation related to the process to develop the plan.

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