Let's Solve This Together!


A Unified Plan
It is no secret; the greater Nashville area is growing fast. Some say too fast, while others work hard to attract more jobs and investment. What we all agree on is that traffic congestion is getting worse. More people, more vehicles, and more construction make it a difficult journey for even the most experienced commuter.
Finding the right solutions is critical to our quality of life. But what are the right solutions? What is the right mix of investments that will address your personal challenges with transportation? What are you willing to contribute in order to see a significant improvement?
Now’s the time to act. Public officials hear you. They are listening. And, they have pledged to work together to find common ground. Share your issues, your ideas, and weigh in on the options.

Issues & Challenges
The Transportation issue is too big and complex for any one organization or governmental agency to solve alone. It will require a coordinated effort among partners to co-create a unified plan, and to identify resources, roles, and responsibilities for its implementation.
Members of the public are an integral part of the process, learn how you can do your part!

Data & Trends
A plan for the future must account for how changing demographics and shifting markets will affect travel demand and transportation needs. Today, the region is home to about 2 million people who travel on average 33 miles and 48 minutes per day over 1,600 bridges and more than 13,000 miles of roadway.
Between 2010 and 2040, the region is expected to experience a 76 percent increase in population, 86 percent more volume on area roadways, 26 percent slower travel speeds, and 162 percent increase in the amount of miles traveled in congested conditions.

Options & Solutions
It will take a variety of programs and projects to maintain our region's transportation network. Many options that will be considered in the development of the Unified Transportation Plan will come from public input through on-going studies.
Learn more about study activities currently underway and how to become involved.